“Good Enough IS the New Perfect”
Is the mere thought of the upcoming holidays making you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, guilty and quite frankly stressed out? Does the idea of escaping it all and landing in a remote island appeal to you? In a world jammed with cutesy DIY projects, photos of gift wrap themes and scrumptious recipes that are posted all over the internet it’s no wonder our holiday To Do lists have gotten out of control! Professional organizers, Grace Brooke and I have been teaching online organizing classes. In them we share our tough love approach to simplifying, organizing and being more productive in less amount of time. We teach others how to get it all done without trying to be perfect. Here is an inside peak at some of our favorite tips for keeping it real and maintaining your sanity during the holidays: 1. Get real about your expectations. Turn off the HGTV channel and hide your Martha Stewart subscription until January. Design your own holiday experience without the pressures of the media. 2. Quit being a grouch and start being grateful. Stop complaining about what still needs to be done and start being grateful for all of your blessings and accomplishments. 3. Develop a holiday vision that is unique to your family. Sit down as a family to discuss the things you want to do during the holidays and more importantly the things you don’t want to do. You may include: movies you want to see, old traditions, new traditions, places to visit etc. Write up a list and post it where your family can be reminded of it daily. 4. Stop cluttering up your friends’ and family’s homes! Give them the gift of an experience, a memory that they will enjoy and cherish forever. It can be anything from gift certificates to memberships to services for your home. 5. Opt out of the “Perfect-Holiday-Card” contest. Do you notice how everyone is trying to come up with the designer holiday card (you know…the one that is professionally shot, where the family is in coordinating outfits, the hair is perfect and everyone is full of holiday cheer). A snap shot from last summer’s vacation is good enough! (The NEW perfect). 6. Stop being Martha Stewart and start relaxing with the rest of them! This holiday season pass on the sit down dinner and plan a fun, simple cocktail party with appetizers. Make it more about getting together and less about weeks of preparation. Good food and good company is what it’s all about. 7. Let the “Fifty Shade of Gift Wrap” go and just get it done. Keep it simple. For example: recycling your kids’ artwork to add a personal touch to your gift wrapping. (And this is a great way to get rid of more stuff). 8. Cut down on your holiday storage and decorate your tree with natural ornaments. Make clean up and storage a snap by using popcorn, berries, cookies, pine cones, bird nests, oranges, candy and other disposable items. For more great ways to organize and simplify your holiday season check out Grace and Jennifer’s 65 Day Holiday Organizing Challenge that begins on October 29th.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Summer Home
Thank you for continuing to follow me here at South Shore Mommy. I just haven't had a chance to blog lately because of family and business responsibilities. I hope you know that I value our friendship.
I would love for you to visit my South Shore Mommy Facebook page where I post daily and have been spending most of my spare moments this Summer! I'm very excited that the South Shore Mommy Facebook Page is just 10 away from 400 Fabulous Fans!
The South Shore Mommy Facebook page now has two weekly link up parties for you to join in.
I have a Weekly Link Up Party every Thursday:
"Share Your Blog Thursday"
"Share Your Business Thursday"
"Share Your Nonprofit Thursday"
I hope you visit and share to meet new friends and network with us.
Yesterday, I started a new Weekly Link Up Party on Tuesday:
"Share Your Favorite Appetizer Tuesday"
"Share Your Favorite Desserts Tuesday"
"Share Your Favorite Mixed Drink Tuesday"
"Share Your Favorite Recipe Tuesday"
I hope that we will all be inspired by the Recipes that are shared.
I'm looking forward to sharing them with my family.
Please contact me directly if you would like to Guest Post here at South Shore Mommy.
In addition to being able to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest & Twitter. I have now added two more ways for you to follow along with me on All Recipes and Playlist.
Please send me an email and let me know if you follow me so that I can follow you back.
Please also contact me if you're looking to transform your life by joining my Shaklee team. We are currently one of the fastest growing teams in Shaklee. Shaklee is the # 1 Natural Nutrition company in the US. Please visit my personal website for more information and contact me directly to set up a time that we can talk.
Where have you been spending your Summer?
Enjoy the Sunshine!

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Invite for today at 10:00 am Central
Have you wondered what it is that South Shore Mommy does and what Shaklee is all about?
Join our live webinar today at 10:00 CT.
You will learn how Erin, a stay at home Mom of three, was able to leave her fulltime job to follow her dreams of working from home.She will be discussing how she overcame Migraines/Seizures and paid off $39,000 in debt!
Register here:
Please email directly at southshoremommy@yahoo.com if you have any questions about what you learned from the webinar.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
South Shore Mommy Link Up Party

I just wanted to invite you all to my Link Up Party.
Please post the link to your blog here and/or visit the
South Shore Mommy Facebook page each and every Thursday to:
"Share Your Blog" or "Share Your Business"
Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Welcome Summer!
Last night my niece slept over and I have two girls here that are ready to have some fun in the sun at the pool today!
We have our water, juice boxes, snacks, towels, toys and sunscreen packed and we’re ready to go!
What are you doing today to keep cool?

Friday, June 8, 2012
Upon A Dream House Tour Guest Post
Please welcome my friend Shannon from Upon A Dream. She is here to give us a tour of her lovely home that you will just love. Please visit her blog where she has great posts on Baking, Crafts, Decorating, DIY, Flowers, Gifts, Holiday's, the Ocean, Party-planning, Photography and Shabby Chic. Her beach photos are also amazing!
Hello everyone, I'm Shannon!
Pottery Barn is another favorite place for me, every now and then I will splurge and buy something I just have to have but most of the time I can find something similar at any Homegoods/Marshall's stores!!
I absolutely love it!
I get so many comments on the white slipcovers but they are actually wonderful!
Everything has come out of them and that includes blood from little ouchies to pen from being a little too creative.
I do have to wash them a bit more in the Summer since we are in and out all day long and dirty toes are all over them but I don't mind it at all.
I like knowing that I get to take them off and clean them whenever I feel they are looking a bit dirty.
Plus since they are white I can change out my pillows and colors of the room so easily.
Well that is it, atleast what is clean enough to show you for now ;)
Let me know what you think and I hope you all have a chance to come over and visit me at my blog, Upon A Dream and leave me a comment so I can visit you as well!
Have a great Day!

Thursday, May 31, 2012
What is Shaklee?
Join Shaklee for Free with any Product Purchase ends May 31st

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Memorial Day Weekend 2012
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with Family & Friends.
I’m thankful for all the military men and women that protect our freedom.
On Memorial Day, I always think of the brave soldiers that have lost their lives
for our country.
I also can’t help but think of dear family and friends that have gone before us.
Enjoy your weekend!
My husband took this beautiful picture at Gurnet Light in Duxbury.
Where is your favorite lighthouse located?Join Shaklee for Free with any Product Purchase ends May 31st

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Simple Details Entertaining Guest Post

Please welcome the lovely and talented Pam from Simple Details.
She is here to show us the wonderful party that she had for one
of her besties. I love the way that she celebrated her friendship.
I hope you have a chance to visit her blog and let her know how much
you enjoyed her guest post.
from a birthday party for a girlfriend.
simply, a pretty party.... for a pretty friend
At each place setting was a wrapped, personalized favor,
chosen specifically for that guest!
Table decor included glass and crystal candlesticks, rose petals and rhinestones.
I love the eclectic look of using a collection of wine glasses.
It's easy to pick one up whenever you see something you like, here are a few of mine.
My stylish friend set her handbag on the table.
A fun tribute to our girlfriend, 'What we love about Andrea," on my chalkboard.
Stop by Simple Details to check out my latest diy project, entertaining ideas,
or ways to give your patio some pizazz for summer. Please visit me here.
Thank you so much for inviting me to share the party, South Shore Mommy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012
Simple Quesadilla & Pizza Dinner
Last night I just wanted a simple meal to prepare.
1. A package of Mexican Cheese Blend
2. Plain Wraps
3. Fresh Tomato
After I prepared the fresh tomato, I portioned out the tomato and cheese and then I let my daughter
sprinkle the cheese and tomato on the wrap before I placed it in the oven.
Here it is after cooking at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
I served it with low fat sour cream and she loved it!
Mommy was craving pizza!
1. Mozzarella Cheese
2. Ready made sauce (I make my own sauce when I’m make chicken parmesan, lasagna, meatballs)
3. Plain wraps (whole grain would be a healthier choice )
4. Oregano or Italian Seasoning
I sprinkled on the cheese….and then added some more. :)
Here it is….
I usually put the Oregano or Italian seasoning in with the sauce before I put the cheese on
but sometime’s I forget so I just put it on top. You can also grill these!
What do you serve (besides take-out) when you want to keep meal prep simple?
Join Shaklee for Free with any Product Purchase ends May 31st